Here is the first part of the most commonly asked technical interview questions.
If you haven't yet read PART 1 of technical interview questions CLICK HERE...
- & Symbol
- How to write a function in C ?
- Differentiate Array and Pointer.
- How is memory allocated dynamically?
- Differentiate Array and Linked List.
- Differentiate Array and Structure.
- Differentiate Structure and Union.
- Storage classes in C.
- Differentiate While and Do While.
- How to declare a Variable in C?
- Variable declaration and initialization in C.
- Static Keyword.
- What is default storage class on declaring variable?
- Garbage Value.
- Exception.
- Differentiate Error and Exception.
- Example for Exception.
- Differentiate Destructor and Constructor.
- How to allocate memory in Constructor?
- Why there is no destructor in Java?
- Order of execution of Constructor.
- Whenever object is called what happens?
- Condition/Ternary Operator.
- If Else Statement.
- Syntax of Array, Struct, Pointer, Function
- Explain every joins in SQL.
- Differentiate Inner and Outer Join.
- Differentiate Left and Right join.
- Full outer join.
- Commit, Roll back, Save point.
- Like Operators.
- Explain all OOPS concepts.
- Increment Operator.
- Rdbms
- Dbms
- What is Python?
- What is an Interpreted Language?
- Looping Structures.
- Why do we use array?
- Python - list, tuple, access specifier.
- Html Tags
- C key features
- Differentiate Data Encapsulation and Abstraction.
- SQL Triggers.
- Dynamic memory allocation
- Concatenate.
- Write Sql query to print employee name which starts with 'a' from employee table.
- Write SQL query to print Min and Max salary from employee table.
- Write an SQL query to create a table.