Bharathanatyam Mudras are classified into Asamyudha hasthas and Samyudha hasthas referring to single hand gestures and double hand gestures respevctively.
If you haven't yet seen the Part 1 of Bharathanatyam mudras including Asamyudha hasthas then click here.
Samyudha Hasthas
- Anjali - Salutation.
- Kapotha - Acceptance.
- Karkatta - Join Together.
- Swastika - Crocodile.
- Dola - Hnging hands.
- Pushpaputa - Handful of flowers.
- Utsanga - Display of armlets/ Embrace.
- Shivalinga - Symbol of Lord Shiva.
- Katakavardhana - Coronation.
- Kartarisvastika - Peaks of hills/ Stems.
- Sakata - Demons.
- Shankha - Conch.
- Chakra - Wheel.
- Samputa - Concealment of objects.
- Paasa - Quarrels.
- Kilaka - Love and affection.
- Matsya - Fish.
- Kurma - Tortoise.
- Varaha - Boar.
- Garuda - Garuda Bird.
- Nagabandha - Entangled Snakes.
- Bherunda - Pair of birds/ holding flowers.
- Avahitha - Beautiful Dance.
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